Jamie Pillow
Jamie has skated her entire life, and has experience competing in the skating disciplines: moves, freestyle, ice dance, and synchronized skating. As a skater, she has experience as a regional medalist in Singles, Michigan High School Team States Championships medalists, and national level competitor as a synchronized skater. She is certified as a CER Professional Coach and in USA Hockey Level III. She has over 20 years of experience coaching figure skating, learn to skate, hockey, and synchronized skating. In addition to coaching, Jamie was the Ice Show Director for the season of 2019-2020 until the pandemic shut it down. During the pandemic, she co-created a YouTube channel and social media platform, Virtual Ice Skating Coach, that provides supplemental skating lessons, skating resources, and tips for the best equipment. She also is a Board Certified Registered Art Therapist and certified in Traumatic Stress Studies. She works with clients of all ages, helping them cope with feelings and express themselves through art. She supervises Art Therapists working on their Post-educational hours, and has experience working as an Art Therapist with adults and youth from various backgrounds. Jamie still currently figure skates in her spare time and has started practicing Roller and Inline figure skating. Contact Jamie at jcpillow86@gmail.com to book lessons.